Ivan Vazov for the composition of a Bulgarian professional theater troupe in Plovdiv:
“For some time now, we have been seeing a strange case in our periodicals. All newspapers consider it fashionable or legal to dedicate entire columns to praise the success of the Fasuljian troupe or to prepare newer ones.
And it is true that Mr. Fasuljian plays artistically.
And all applauded.
We give it to Mr. Fasuljiana’s theater in the most extravagant way, I do not speak our money, but our heartfelt feelings, our sincere laughter, our meager tears. And we are satisfied.
But no one thinks, does not think, does not mention, does not ask: What about us? Where is ours?
Those who think do not think about it.
Mr. Gruev, what are you doing? You have allocated 75,000 groschen to help organize a Bulgarian troupe, you have the sympathy, the cooperation of all of us. Did you know that if you do just that, it will cost more than 20,000 prescriptions and a circular, which you will number in the outgoing registers of your office!
Journalists! You get lost in the realm of high politics. Come close to our needs: there is a thirst to be quenched, there is a disgrace to be removed. Think about it: because they started thinking around you.
The people long for their own, you serve them the foreign.
Don’t you get goosebumps when you hear us being told in front of the whole world: “The Bulgarian intelligentsia is disgusted!” Tomorrow another benefactor will say: “The Bulgarian people do not exist!”. What was your answer to that? What do we have – ours, ours, forever?
Your Vitian members will die, and Mr. Fasuljian will, at any time, leave us for Mr. Pascalidis, or, if you will, Pascalescu.
We are not doing anything to shake those great strings of the human heart, which are called: national pride.
Move a little, say something! It is not shameful for the Bulgarian National Theater either.
What are you up to with such a trivial task?
We blush at her, and history blushes at us
Do you know what this funny thing means, this little thing: the foundation of the Bulgarian National Theater?
It means a coup.
If you are contributing a thousandth part to this coup, you have accomplished a sacred mission. ”
Eternal, vibrant and relevant.
newspaper “People. voice ”, no. 368, Feb. 12, 1883.