The date December 8, 1881 is not accidental. Inspired by public attitudes, the workers of the Hristo G. Danov Printing Society in Plovdiv formed a cultural and educational institution that chose the theater to achieve its goals. On the same evening, under the direction and with the participation of Stefan P. Popov, the plays The Envy of Barbue by Moliere and Stoyan Voyvoda by Dobri Voynikov were performed at the Luxembourg International Theater for charity. Two days later, under its impressions of the performances, the Regional Assembly of Eastern Rumelia allocated 750 Turkish lira for the formation of a Bulgarian theater troupe, which laid the ideological and material foundations of the first professional Bulgarian theater. 140 years of history follow – to this day! Look for our new issue of “Intermission”! Already in the familiar places in Plovdiv and Sofia.